"I address a gap in comprehension when one is faced with the works, underscoring our constant negotiation between what is 'real' and what is psychologically projected or anticipated, thus exploring the relationship between viewership and the psychological constructs of reality."


In a world of immediate gratification, the image in Art establishes a complex relationship with its viewer. Non-linear. Non-consumptive. Non-verbal. Non-judgmental.

My practice presents complex objects and densely layered imagery, creating an "expanded" moment of encounter between the viewer and the work of art.

The process of painting or drawing becomes important in itself. It is no longer just a descriptive tool. The density of image, intensity of colour and paint application, and excessive detail together create a layered visual impact and an enhanced experience of time. In other words, in a world in which most images are about immediate gratification, I address a gap in comprehension when one is faced with the works, underscoring our constant negotiation between what is 'real' and what is psychologically projected or anticipated, thus exploring the relationship between viewership and the psychological constructs of reality.